As part of the osteopathic philosophy of practicing medicine, doctors use a holistic, patient-centered approach that allows them to get to know their patients. This stronger relationship helps practitioners view those in their care as whole individuals, not just a list of symptoms and diagnosis codes. Osteopathic physicians take time to get to know their patients well, helping to identify lifestyle factors that can increase risk of disease.
Osteopathic medicine holds as its key philosophy the belief that our bodies are capable of self-healing and self-regulation. To support this important function, osteopathic physicians learn to use a special series of manipulations, known as Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT) to detect and correct problems with your musculoskeletal system. Doctors conduct a palpatory exam over the entire body, looking for tenderness, pain or restriction in motion. When dysfunction is detected, doctors who practice OMT use stretches, gentle pressure and resistance to realign joints and restore proper alignment and unimpeded function. Bodies that are in alignment do not experience uneven pressures and develop the inflammation that causes chronic pain and disease.
Doctors who practice osteopathic medicine also use education to prevent disease. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies disrupt the chemical balance our bodies need to be healthy. By assessing a patient’s dietary habits and offering recommendations for healthy choices, osteopathic physicians can help patients correct nutritional gaps and support the immune protection needed for a long, healthy life. In learning how each patient lives and works, doctors can instruct patients on the health risks of work habits like improper lifting, sitting for too long, or not drinking enough water throughout the day. Practicing osteopathic medicine gives doctors time to have these vital discussions with patients and change lives.
In the lives of active adults and athletes, osteopathic physicians use the stretching and gentle resistance of Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT) to treat repetitive use injuries, increase range of motion and decrease recovery times after heavy activity. Through ergonomic instruction and the use of OMT, osteopathic physicians help hobby runners and professionals prevent injury and improve performance.
Osteopathic Health Care Associates is an independent, full-service Internal Medicine practice serving Lower Michigan. Through a complete biomedical evaluation, including an examination of your range of motion, Dr. Shane Patterson and our professional staff can help you identify and meet your immediate treatment needs and long-term wellness goals. We offer complete medical care and lifestyle coaching to help you develop better habits and become more proactive in protecting your health. Call 586.221.2791 or fill out the form in the sidebar to make an appointment at Osteopathic Health Care Associates today, to schedule your first appointment.