Osteopathic physicians have been specially trained to see each patient as whole being, with bodily structures and physiological systems that are interconnected and interdependent. In studying the osteopathic philosophy, medical students learn that structure influences function. In an athlete, this connection is especially critical, as compensation for joint instability or musculoskeletal imbalance can lead to decreased performance. Gait abnormalities that result from favoring a painful knee or ankle increase stress on other structures and cause further injury. For an athlete to perform safely and at their peak requires that the systems and structures must function harmoniously. An injury in your hip may change the way biomechanical forces affect your knee, leading to pain. Injury and the associated pain trigger the release of chemicals and hormones in response, affecting your mood and overall sense of health.
An osteopathic physician is specially trained in using a literal, hands-on approach to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal issues that impede the body’s natural ability to heal itself from pain and injury. Through a series of techniques involving gentle pressure, stretching and resistance, called Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT), an osteopathic physician can diagnose and treat patients without drugs, and restore maximal, pain-free movement of the musculoskeletal system and enhance neuromuscular function. A study conducted involving football players at Virginia Tech found that players who underwent Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy before games reported increased well-being, improved performance and fewer injuries.
Repetitive use injuries, like Iliotibial band friction syndrome affect runners, cyclists, weight lifters, downhill skiers, soccer players, tennis players, football players, and athletes engaged in circuit training. Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for this and other repetitive use injuries. OMT is gentle and safe enough to be used in conjunction with young athletes, from little leaguers through collegiate sports and beyond.
At Osteopathic Health Care Associates, we provide a patient-centered, holistic approach to osteopathic medicine. As an independent, full-service Internal Medicine practice, we offer OMT provided by a board-certified internal medicine physician who understands how your body’s systems and structure work together to keep you moving at peak performance. We use the latest research and cutting edge techniques to help increase your strength, range-of-motion, and your body’s natural healing ability. We specialize in chronic pain management and preventive care, with an emphasis on making you an active partner in the improvement of your health and overall sense of wellness. To learn more about how OMT can ease your pain or add time to your mile, call 586.221.2791 or fill out the form in the sidebar to make an appointment today.