Osteopathic physicians are trained to look at the whole person when treating patients–mind, body and spirit. The osteopathic philosophy holds the belief that our bodies are designed to heal themselves so long as fluids are able to flow through tissues and our organs and physical structures can function without impingement. Osteopathic physicians are specially trained in using palpation with the hands to feel for motion, fluid movement and tissue texture that can indicate a problem. When there is a problem with the bones, muscles or joints, function in that area may be affected, leading to compensation and abnormal pressures putting additional strain and pressure on your body. Left untreated, this loss of normal function interferes with your body’s ability to heal itself, leading to pain and disease. Through healing touch, osteopathic physicians gain an intimate understanding of patients’ health care needs. Once a thorough exam is completed and a history is taken, osteopathic physicians use in-depth patient education, exercise instruction, nutritional therapies and the latest research to design a treatment plan that supports optimum health through addressing the underlying cause of your health issues, not just your symptoms.
A key method restoring pain-free movement and proper bodily function involves a series of hands-on manipulation techniques known collectively as Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy. Using gentle pressure, massage, stretching, heat, resistance, and cold therapy, osteopathic physicians promote blood flow to tissue and releases compression that causes pain in bones and joints. Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy brings an important dimension to standard medical care by replacing drugs and surgery with healing, hands-on treatment from an osteopathic physician. Research has shown that Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy has been used to successfully treat carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injuries, tension and migraine headaches, chronic lower back pain, sinus issues, teens with growing pains, menstrual pain, and sufferers of chronic pain in the knees, hips, wrists and elbows–and it is safe for patients of all ages.
Dr. Shane Patterson is a board certified osteopathic physician, specializing in internal medicine and pain management. Through his innovative practice, Osteopathic Health Care Associates, Dr. Patterson spends time listening to his patients, getting to know the work and lifestyle habits that can affect your health. By building a relationship, Dr. Patterson ensures that the needs of the whole individual are addressed– gently, efficiently, and without dangerous drugs or painful surgery. Let us take good care of you. Call Osteopathic Health Care Associates at 586.221.2791, or complete the contact form in the sidebar to schedule your appointment.